WoT Skin: USSR Tier 9 TD – Obj.263 [Hatsune Miku] v1.1


Available in Sandbox server, huehue :3 The cover is actually from Sandbox server. That means under new graphic engine we still can use skins, oh yes.

RIP TaLLIePo Miku Hangar V2 2017 cuz it CRASH AGAIN in Sandbox.

Visit it for more pics: http://bbs.duowan.com/thread-45977879-1-1.html

Download link:

Baidu Netdisk


Tda式初音ミク・アペンドVer1.10 作者:Tda
WG式263工程改驻锄 作者:Neue KarIsland

Please also download the Universal Model Loader for better effect.
