WoT Skin: German Tier 5 LT – Vk16.02 ‘Leopard’ [Saabaru(Kemono Friends)]

Long time no see, 4B des.

The only reason I update in so late is… well, you know, when you focus on something too long you will get tired on it, and I’m in this situation. — I don’t mean I’m tired on making skins, but the tank skins. I’m still have a LOT of energy to make itasha, so I’m trying to make skins in Forza Horizon 3. But it is much more harder than make a skin on WoT cuz you CANNOT INPUT PICTURE. So I may turn to make true racing car skins.

Still I won’t to let the skin direction hang in the air forever, but pls give me time to get through it.

Anyway, let’s talk about this cute loli leopard.

Skin’s author is RMX013, series name’阿纳海姆痛车科技(Anaheim Itasha Technology)’ .

He is veri experience skinner. An old member of  WOTCN League. He started to make skins in 2012.12.2, today is his 5 years anniversary.

He used to be a high production author, just as I used to be.(kek) But since the WoT HD project started, a lot of his tanks has been disabled. So he fixed it and WG ‘make some slightly model change’ that made them disappear again. His M103 [Tooka(Date A Live)] has fixed 3 times, totally remake, 3 TIMES.

So now you know why so much plug-in maker left this game 3 years ago. And I guess the new update will make another part of author leave it too.

Honestly, I don’t get the point of the new official painting system. Maybe they want to make everyone can make skins just like WT, so I understand DIY historcal camo. But wtf is these pure color? I know it is just starting to make, but this is too ridiculus. DIY the camo base color, like team’s camo in the WGL, is much better than pouring tank with these pure color, why not make that system come true WG?

Oh, sorry for complaining too long. Here’s the link.

Baidu Netdisk

《WoT Skin: German Tier 5 LT – Vk16.02 ‘Leopard’ [Saabaru(Kemono Friends)]》有2个想法

  1. Please continue making wot skin! I just found your website recently, and I really like anime skin on my tanks, even I got 7,44 GB just for skins alone in my res_mods folder.

    Many skin modders in SEA already left, and even US.

    1. yep I won’t give up making skins 🙂 I said I need time to get through this tiring time
