WoT Skin: UK Tier 10 HT – Centurion AX [Ruby(RWBY)]

Origin author: 幻想电路623(FantasyCircuitry 623)【AFK】

As usual, reprint permission is allowed.

Well,  the model, in fact, is Chieftain Mk.VI , but he fixed it and make it become a model for Centurion AX.

How to install this skin:

1. Download this.

2. Put gb86_centurion_action_x.xml into World of Tanks(or something you name your game folder)/res_mods/

3. Put GB86_centurion_action_x folder into res_mods/

P.S. As this author is AFK, this model may crash in further updates.

《WoT Skin: UK Tier 10 HT – Centurion AX [Ruby(RWBY)]》有2个想法

  1. awesome skin but cannot get it to work any chance of a update please
